Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Thursday, March 29

Scary!! for funsies none the less..:p

Having spent the last days working my booty off to get ready for my supervisor's visit yesterday it was a rather anticlimatic experience:) Apparently everyone's satisfied and enjoys the internship!:D Yay - I don't suck:p lol
Also managed to finally decide what my bachelor's diss is going to be on - yippi! Should be fun, am planning to analyse a really good brochure on living in Norway and then do some research interviews on how different international students get the message in it. :D A nice and specific problem to solve in other words:p

But seeing as I've been spending the day so far in Bente's office since she's making some ads on my computer for the new French programmes, I've been less than productive...Why, you ask? Well, a darling dragon I know sent me this link to a riddle game...:p And that meant the end of my work ethics until now...(I blame you for this Silver, and if I do get know who I'm gonna finger as the culprit!:p)

Anyhoo, it an MnM-promotional thingymadoo where you have to find 50 movie titles in a painting as fast as possible and it's absolutely addicting! Go try it out for yourselves and see how you fare - I finally got all the answers correct:D *feels all proud*
It's the perfect Easter game!

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Monday, March 26


I always do this - procrastinate until I end up with WAY too much stuff to do and way too little time to actually do it in! But of course, this time it's majorly important as I need to know what I'll be writing my bachelor's diss on! Which I don't...I have a clue, but no specific problem:p

Anyone - know a little something about international marketing of a whole sector that could be snugly fitted into about 30 pages?! Give me a buzz, nudge, comment, text, email or whatever! I'm in in dire need...:p

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Wednesday, March 21

Stuffedness be gone!

GOD, I'm so sick of being sick!!! Stupid stuffed nose and sinuses - I'm donating mine to research I think!

Otherwise it's been a busy month here at SIU, and I've tried numerous things while here. Have a little less than a month left before I go back to Volda to finish my bachelor and move on with my life...

But what to do? Stupid life-determining decisions:p
