Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Friday, July 6

Procrastination generation!

It's been ages since I last updated - my somewhat sincere apologies for that. Life has been chaotic, lazy, stressful, horrendous, wonderful, depressing, awesome, boring, active and so much more since May when I last posted...

To leave you with an impression:

- coffee
- close to cancerous amounts of cigarettes
- jottonia
- applications
- procrastionation on a whole new level
- internship
- Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in higher education
- Bergen
- living at home without my own room
- alcohol/lack of/too much
- surfing (no, not the sporty kind)
- Wolfmother
- missing people far away
- getting to know new people
- writing
- working
- studying and failing at doing it enough
- nerves
- panic attacks
- exams, and then none after all
- Vermont
- London
- summer job
- desperate for new job
- an actual income for two months:D
- broke as hell AGAIN
- concerts
- summersun
- fun times at SIU
- moving AGAIN
- documentary festival
- dates
- bubbly being consumed
- crimes committed:p

And blogging really hasn't been too much of an item on that agenda. However, I plan for that to change now as I've just received an email saying I get grants and loans for Vermont next semester and that means far away from a whole different bunch of people AGAIN.

Mum is going kinda blazê(?) about the whole thing...with an "i know you wanna go back and live in a different country"-attitude going. Dad's the sceptic of them - convinced I'll get royally screwed and don't need to study anymore - or in shorter words...that I'll get into even more debt:p
He's prolly right, but I'm young now and should be able to hack it later on. Hopefully....Anyhoo - I'm off to celebrate!:D

*loves ya!*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha nice blog V. Just tell your Dad, "I'm young enough to make these mistakes..."

So what are u gonna study in the US of A? Did I tell you it looks like I'm off to to my PhD over there too? Different part tho...

Oh, and stop smoking! According to a doco I watched last night, on top of everything else it'll make your skin go all wrinkly.


9:24 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Blogs but doesn't write articles! Dammit I demand some work!

9:11 PM

Blogger Female viking said...

P - I remember:) Let me know how the apps go. Graphics and public relations...same thing as in Volda basically:P

Eddie...Relax my dear. It was during my official holiday...Back to business now;) tihi

9:48 PM


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