Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Friday, February 17

Why airports are a drag....

Airports are a drag for several reasons - mainly coz you're just sitting around and waiting for something or the other... There's never really anything to do - once you've completed your shopping, meal, trip to the toilet or whatnot, you're still waiting... Even the fabulous use of free internet is only available for 15 minutes at a time. But I can't complain - on the plane you can watch movies and drink free wine in order to finally become exhausted enough to fall asleep for a couple of hours.
There are, however, some good things concerning the waiting periods at airports - it signalises that you're on your way to something new and different! And the free internet is good... Not to forget it means that someone fixed something to allow me to get this far (Singapore City Airport, Changi), without knowing if my visa is ready... Maybe there is a God after all?
Anyhoo, off to enjoy another cigarette in the fume-infested 'beilong kok' (think that's how they spell it), and try not to worry to much about whether or not the immigration authorities in Brisbane will let me into the country... Not to mention the authorities here in Singapore, who aren't exactly known to be kind and understanding... Fingers crossed!


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