Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Monday, February 20

Enrolment, spleromlent...

I finally figured out the mysterious workings of enrolling at Griffith Uni! And I did it without causing irreprable damage to any computers or guidance people... Mom would be proud:) I still have to figure out what to replace the courses that have been approved (stupidly enough) already, but only run in semester 2, with. Which leaves me with only the crappiest class this side of the Pacific, unless I can swap with something. And a timetable with lectures on Wednesdays and Thursdays...which is good. It makes me feel more worried when I see that the Thursday ones are from 08:00 am until 05:00 pm...:( Go figure!

But now, off to collect prescriptioned drugs (lol), and find a place to live for the next 6 months!


Blogger Camilla said...

Halloo på du!! Kjekt å sjå at du he komt deg fram! Håpe bere husproblemet ordna seg;)

5:53 PM


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