Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Sunday, July 16


(Appearantly, Oz is now full - I guess this means I aint coming back any time soon

New immigration policy seeing as most of the Papa New Guinean population wants least that seems to be what John Howard thinks!

King of the world, martial arts and everything in between?

In a fit of boredom today I revisited and decided to pick some of my own favourite facts about the famous ranger and post them on my blog.... They're funny and quite hilarious so enjoy peeps...;)

  • When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.
  • Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
  • Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
  • Chuck Norris gave Mona Lisa that smile.
  • Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.
  • There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.
  • Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
  • If you spell Chuck Norris in Scrabble, you win. Forever.
  • Outer space exists because it's afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris.
  • Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.

Odd spots....for your amusement:)

- A large cumulonimbus cloud can hold enough water for 500,000 baths.

- A mysophobic person has an intense fear of infection.

- A building in which silence is enforced, like a library, is referred to as a silentium.

- Botanically, true berries include the grape, tomato and eggplant, but not raspberries and blackberries.

- During menstruation, the sensitivity of a woman's middle finger is reduced.

- Seals sleep underwater and surface for air without waking up.

- Tuna suffocate if they stop swimming.

- The average bed is home to over 6 billion dust mites.

- The sound a camel makes is called nuzzling.

- If the stomach did not store food, people would have to eat every 20 minutes.

- Brontology is the study of thunder.

- Fingernails grow faster on the hand that you favour using.

- The average adult eyeball weighs under 30 grams.

- Podiatrists state that the average pair of feet travel about 190,000 km in a lifetime.

- Clams have a row of eyes around their shells.

- Owls are reportedly the only birds that can see the colour blue.

- The left lung is smaller than the right one, allowing room for your heart.

- Green tea has 50% more vitamin C than black tea.

- 80% of all rose species in the world come from Asia.

(As found on the back of Libra wrappers...the Libresse pads down

Friday, July 14

More pics for everyone....:)

The village idiot at the Alibi Room with a straw stuck to her tongue piercing...the same piercing that chapped a corner of one of her lower molars not too long ago...Me and P at the beergarden at the Vic...Not drunk just yet....Same night that I twisted my ancle, only it hasn't happened yet...hehe
Indeed...VB is decent and Oz has the coolest beer ads in the entire world...Believe it:)
Kat, her 2 year old Alissandra, me, Zac and Caleb (with Ali's doll...) in Milton for the World Cup Final around 4 a.m. in the morning...long, cold and fun it was!
Tarna with the doll celebrating Italy's victory with the penalty shoot-out...Both with 'Viva Italy' written on their face...

Finally it appears you guys get some pictures! After trying numerous times this one shows me, Katya and Tarna celebrating that uni is over for the semester a couple of weeks ago... A kind of artsy pic that I took down by the Brisbane Powerhouse in New Farm on a really nice day...
Sunset from the cliffs at Kangaroo Point overlooking Victoria Bridge with the Citycat Ferry gliding past...
My flatmate and better half down under - Peter....There - u now know what he looks like:)
Me down by the river in New Farm, near the floating walkway....

Thursday, July 13

A few of my favourite things...

List time... The top things about living in Oz (not necessarily in this prioritized order):
  1. The climate and wonderful weather
  2. The beautiful clean city and the fantastic river
  3. The suburb in which I live - New Farm, it's got everything!
  4. The people I've gotten to know and learned to love for being the wonderful friends they are
  5. The lack of rain at any given day
  6. The cheaper prices compared to home

Top things about living in Norway:

  1. The beauty of winter with snow and bone-chilling cold weather when you can stay inside
  2. The wonderful people in Bergen and Volda (and obviously the rest of Norway) that I am lucky enough to call my friends and family
  3. The smallness of even 'big' cities - you can walk alone at 4 am downtown and feel quite safe
  4. The fact that uni in Volda equals a degree almost completed in an area which I enjoy studying
  5. The sound of rain pounding on the windows when I'm lying in bed trying to sleep
  6. The gorgeous nature surrounding basically no matter where I am

So why this random need to list good things about my respective favourite countries in the world at the moment? I guess I'm trying to convince myself that I'm doing the right thing by coming back to Volda and finishing my bachelor in information and media instead of attempting to find a way to stay for another year in Brisbane... I really don't feel ready to leave, but at the same time changing things now is gonna be such a process and I don't know if I'm even able to afford it. Time and study-wise I'll be fine, but financially....Hell no! It's gonna be great to come home and see all of you guys again - I've missed you, but I've grown really attached to both the people and the place down here as well....Might have to come back yet again...Lol:)