Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Friday, October 6

Sweet surrender to boredom

It's been a while since I wrote anything of substance here, so a quick update is in order, I guess.
Volda is tuning into autumn-mode which means it's getting colder and the leaves are changing colour. Luckily we've still had an unusual amount of nice summery days and I've taken some really funky pics of my fav town and the scenery here - I'll post some as soon as I get them transferred.

Other than that uni isn't exactly busy. I've picked a semester dissertation topic for my media science-class and I've been assigned a supervisor. Surprise surprise - it's Torill Mortensen - she's been supervising every single one of my assignments here in Volda since my second semester at the information & media-program. But I'm happy, coz she's good at it, and hopefully that'll help me return to former glories... I've also handed in my prioritised list of where I wanna do my two month internship - yippi! Think I've managed to put them in the correct order as well, so now all I have to do is hand in my resume and wait for a reply as to if I got my first choice approved *fingers crossed*. It's in Bergen and it's the Centre for Internationalisation of higher Education in Norway, so there will probably be a lot of 'heavy' documents to read, but that's fine. I have some experience with this topic from student politics and from using exchange programs rather frequently so it should be interesting:)

In terms of entertainment I've been out and about enjoying various offers in my sleepy town. My first night back at the bar at Rokken was during a concert with an awesome band called 'Brute Bugaloo' and they made the night a great success. I also got to experience Trond Viggo Torgersen's new comedytour-thingo, which I enjoyed a lot! (For you non-native readers - hah, don't I sound arrogant... - he's a former children's television writer and comedian whom we've all grown up with. He was the one who thought us about our bodies every week when we were youngens). Other than that I've been hanging out with my wonderful girls regularly - we cook supper and watch 'Grey's Anatomy' together every week - it's really nice.

Next week, however, I won't be joining them as I'm starting my PADI Open Water Dive course!!! Very excited and kinda nervous, but I think it'll be great. Will have to pay about 500 AUD for the course itself, so it's a good deal. (Booshocks to u P, I'll have my certificate soon too! Yippi!) Can barely wait to do the diving-thing again... Speaking of diving and water and stuff - I've gotten fish in the fish tank I've aquired! Three of them, so I need name proposals for my darling guppy-fish.

My battery's running low, so tata for now:)


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