Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Saturday, November 18

The assignment massacre of 2006... finally over! Almost, at least. After having worked on it consistently for 36 hours I finally handed the required amount of words in and I even did so on time! The feeling of liberation and freedom was exhilarating and made me so ready to go out last night to celebrate. Which I did... Concert with "Jim Stärk", gimlets, beer and good friends led to a night of hallowed drunken state and good times:) I bought a t-shirt and their new cd - in situations like after my media science assignment massacre I develop an even bigger tendency to forget about my budget - but it's all good, the scholarship is in and I've lined up a job for Christmas break. Yippi..

Anyhoo, I can now officially say I'm through with the women's image projected through the magazines [mag] and DET NYE, which pleases my tipsy heart beyond belief. It's a bogus piece of work, but it's in and I don't care if I flunk it - I can do better if I have to and defend what I did at my oral examination... That's all that matters.

Pics to show u guys what mag's I hate so strongly...

This is one edition of [mag]...

...and this is one of DET NYE..

Thursday, November 9

Ralph Myerz & the Jack Herren Band back in Volda

The greatest concert with the wonderful ralphers ever - if u weren't there u missed something! Will stop typing now so I don't muck up the post (long night if there ever was afterparty on a Wednesday...who would've thought?) - enjoy the pics:)


Wednesday, November 8

Crap and concerts

Soundtrack: The Whitlams - 'Eternal Nightcap'

To everyone who yesterday received the line 'u and me?' with a link called something along the lines of sexylovepics, through msn - I sincerely apologise! I received a virus that duplicates and posts itself to everyone online on ur contact list, and thus me being a retard and opening the damned thing meant ya'll got it too... Sorry! Promise to never repeat it!

On a happier note I'm going to a concert tonight! Wihii:) 'Ralph Myerz and the Jack Herren Band' are touring and stopping by Volda again tonight, and it's gonna be awesome! They are by far one of the best live acts I've had the pleasure of experiencing and not just coz they're so damned cute...;) Tonight is gonna be a night of friends, beer and GREAT music! For all of ya'll down under - check 'em out - well worth downloading. Their most famous song would prolly be 'Nikita' or maybe 'Lipstick' - masterpieces that'll make u wanna move to the

Since it's not on in another 4 hours, I'm leaving u with some pics from concerts I've been to since I got back to Volda - enjoy:)

'Karpe Diem' - Norwegian hip hop act with really funky songs and funny lyrics. I wasn't supposed to go, but we all know how that works...;)

'Brute Bugaloo' in action - great band consisting of brilliant musicians from other Norwegian bands...
'Hopalong Knut' - really talented skaband from Trondheim - 13 peeps altogether on the tour - 9 of them on the stage... Anyhoo, they kicked ass!
Not really a concert, more of an audience-determined comedyshow. Still, Trond Viggo is always great fun:)

Monday, November 6


After discovering that I've already paid for the book we received for the diving course, I had a 100 buckarinos burning simmering holes in my pocket - what in the world was I gonna do with them?

It didn't take long to decide - these beautiful babies were finally on sale at an affordable price despite my current state of brokeness - so off in the rain and wind I went to pick my lovelies up! They're already in the top 5 rank of fav shoes...:)

Wednesday, November 1

Now fitted to experience new worlds...

As of today I am the happy holder of a scuba diving certificate! I have over the course of the past three weeks taken PADI's Open Water Diver course up here in the cold waters of Volda, and done enough dives to be considered capable of diving with other sports divers that aren't professionals!! Yippi:)

It's been a rough couple of weekends when we've been diving in the fjord at Berknes, both due to a lot of heavy equipment, early mornings and long days, and of course due to the weather. But everything's run smoothly and every one of my fellow 12 classmates passed - all I need now is to keep on diving regularly so I don't let my newly aquired knowledge fade into oblivion.

Unfortunately I don't have a waterproof shell for my camera (it's on my wish list for Xmas, and therefore no pics from the course or the dives, but here are some others to give u an idea of what I've been experiencing over the weekends lately. Enjoy! I know I did...