Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Saturday, November 18

The assignment massacre of 2006... finally over! Almost, at least. After having worked on it consistently for 36 hours I finally handed the required amount of words in and I even did so on time! The feeling of liberation and freedom was exhilarating and made me so ready to go out last night to celebrate. Which I did... Concert with "Jim Stärk", gimlets, beer and good friends led to a night of hallowed drunken state and good times:) I bought a t-shirt and their new cd - in situations like after my media science assignment massacre I develop an even bigger tendency to forget about my budget - but it's all good, the scholarship is in and I've lined up a job for Christmas break. Yippi..

Anyhoo, I can now officially say I'm through with the women's image projected through the magazines [mag] and DET NYE, which pleases my tipsy heart beyond belief. It's a bogus piece of work, but it's in and I don't care if I flunk it - I can do better if I have to and defend what I did at my oral examination... That's all that matters.

Pics to show u guys what mag's I hate so strongly...

This is one edition of [mag]...

...and this is one of DET NYE..


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