Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Sunday, October 8

New fav past-time:)

After having contemplated the wonderous knitting-culture among my darling girlfriends and thinkin of yet another sad reason for why I'm gonna miss grandma (she was the QUEEN of everything crafts-related - the lady got paid for knitting models and so did my mom when she was a teenager because of her)! She could knit, heckle, embroider, mend, sow or manufacture anything, and in the spirit of our constant productive Christmases (and later easters, birthdays etc), I figure I'd attempt to take up knitting on a very basic stage again.

How come? Hmm, good question. Well, it keeps arthritis-prone (genetically and professionally at least), fingers nimble and provides an activity during my mindless hours of watching television - yippi:) And it reminds me of great times spent with grandma planning future presents and being assisted by her awesome talent in producing them...
(I miss her a lot - she truly was my deepest connection to a very different generation, and yet she always got me. An amazing lady with the soul of an absolute angel - no one compares to her, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart! I would give my lungs for a half hour of her kind company...) Not to mention knitting and listining to great music like Dishwalla is good for my sanity:)

Anyhoo, it seemed like a good a time as any to take crafting up again, and I don't think I'm the first student to think of any number of things to do before any actually study gets At the mo I'm quite addicted - maybe some of u'll get home crafted presents for Christmas?;)


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