Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Friday, October 6

A sacramental weekend

The weekend before last I went home to Bergen for a quickie due to my cousin having his confirmation on the Saturday and me not having seen people properly in ages - the trip down is now cheaper if you fly down than if you take the bus...Insanity!

Anyhoo, I flew down on Wednesday night, and had until Monday morning before I flew back to Volda. The trip is divided into two parts - the 25 minute flight from Volda to Sogndal and four minutes later the 25 minute flight from Sogndal to Bergen. The plane was one of these small ones that probably wouldn't seat more than 30 people and the noise it made was closer to infernal than any metal-band I've ever been to a concert with, I tells ya!

Granddad arrived on Thursday and Friday I spent at Kilroy Travels' international education fair in the city - have to know what my options are, right? The moronic part is that even though I now know what area I wanna do my masters in, I've found even more ways to get it, not to mention places to get it done in... The story of my life, basically. Why is that? Is it just me, or does anyone else have the same thing? Always pondering how to conduct the next chapter of your life long before it's arrived? Not to mention the constant discovery of new possibilites, which always lead to second guessing of the things you already thought you'd decided for sure...

Anyhoo, I'm swerving here! Back to the sacramental Saturday. We arrived at the modern, but still beautiful Landro Church at Sotra and experienced a nice enough service. The confirmants(?) looked good in their angelic white robes, and pleased that their money-making day had finally arrived. Then back to their house for dinner:) Always good at these things, the food that it is. We ate for hours - at least it felt like we did Lots of pictures were taken, speeches were given, and monologues updating everyone on what exactly I've been doing down under for another 6 months. Then more food, but this time dessert.. By then we'd caved and gone for a walk to at least try to fool our digestive systems into thinking we didn't intentionally try to shut it down. All in all a standard confirmation day...:)

After returning home it took me twenty (literally), seconds to change out of my high heels and strappy dress and get a more going out-friendly outfit on - coz me and Beat were gonna hit the town together for the first time in over 6 months! Weehee:) It turned out to be a night of numerous drinks, dances and meeting old classmates and great friends again - just the way it should be after a long absence!


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