Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Wednesday, December 20

Hatch # 12: Frick!

And double frick! I missed one... but had better things to do with my day, such as eating an early dinner and go shopping with my friend Anna for pressies (Tarna & Kat - your's are now ready!), whom I haven't seen in like two years - it was really, really nice:)
And then straight to my wonderful bud Eirik - a guitar virtuosuo and all around good guy - to check out his new penthouse 'crib' before he left for Chile. He's spending Christmas and New Year's there, the lucky bugger... And leaving me behind! So not fair...:( Why do you all abandon me??

Song of the day: 'Zebra' by John Butler Trio

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