Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Thursday, December 14

Hatch # 7: Making my list...

...and checking it twice, which isn't particularly motivating. For each completed task, two more pops up. I've finished pressies for my flatmates, but there's still loads more to go, or so it feels for my strained budget.

It looks like that might be improved soon, as I'm starting my training for the part-time writing-job I've gotten, which is exciting! It entails writing pieces of texts containing specific key words that will give hits in search engines and means I'll need to register as an independent one woman-buisness. That's the complicated part - meaning accounting and a crapload more tax forms, but it's been done by thousands of people before me and thus shouldn't be brain surgery... At least I'm hoping it won't be! Lol... Apart from extra budgeting means, the job will provide me with some new writing-training and I'm looking forward to it, especially since it's in a field I haven't got that much practice in.

Anyhoo - I've finished one pleasant task - putting together the Christmas outfit I'll be wearing for all the family get-togethers - and these are my perfect new 'dancing shoes'!:)

Other great news - my precious ticket to the Wolfmother-concert in Oslo on the 18th of Febuary arrived in the mail - and this is what pure bliss to the neat price of 60 AUS will look like! Woooman, you're a woman... Singing my heart out and looking forward to it more than I can put into words, even though it would've been even better in native surroundings with my peeps...:)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kanskje vi sees då=)

1:03 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Ah! Din GRIS! Wolfmother sprenger! Woho!

10:50 PM

Blogger Female viking said...

Ingvild: Hadde vært hyggelig det:)

Christine: Lol... Kan du ikke joine da? Mener de har flere billetter igjen og nå er du jo 18:) Billettene koster 275,- pr stk + billettavgift (altså 300...), og regner med å finne at det er flere som blir med. Hadde vært skikkelig KONGE for WM rocker og sprenger og er kun deilig! Wohoo!:)

10:54 PM


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