Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Tuesday, December 12

Hatch # 5: Moan...

Lazy day - overslept due to not actually falling asleep until 7 am - and consquently haven't gotten all of my plans for the day finished... Which is why this day is one big moan. Tired and feel out of whack from several things.

However, planning to make tomo more productive - hopefully I'll get some company for poor Bitter, finish doing all the laundry that's been neglected during my exams and finish shopping for ya'll down under and mail it asap. So sorry that it'll be late - have been broke as a mouse and thus haven't finished until now. But pressies are always worth waiting for, aren't they?;)

In this sombering mood - where a huge jug of Gimlets would be appropriate (but hard to fix now since the bottle-o is in the next town over and closed about 7 hours ago) - I'm contemplating how long it's been since I talked to anyone in my second motherland, and I'm not liking the numbers I discover! So Tarna - I miss you and we need to talk soon! And that goes for all of you - you know who you are:)

Anyhoo, to brigthen the mood I present you with this... It's quite appropriate for the crappy weather we're experiencing, so enjoy.


Blogger Anna said...

Hei Kari :-). Du har virkelig en morsom men ærlig blogg going on her. Kontakt meg på slik at vi kan avtale å møtes i byn :-)
Tusen takk for innlegget ditt på bloggen min, trenger all den hjelp jeg kan få når slike blodtørstige vamp... eh Jehovas Vitner angriper;-).

12:06 PM

Blogger Female viking said...

Hei søta:)

Takker og bukker - prøver så godt jeg kan - er ikke alltid lett å holde seg til kun ett

I will do! Og skulle nå bare mangle - ikke at jeg tror de stagges av det... Får bare holde ut - vi er enige med du, vi:)

Stor klem

2:50 PM


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