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Wednesday, December 13

Hatch # 6: I wouldn't know any of the sort...

Seeing as Xmas is the biggest alcohol-containing season, I figured this Norwegian cartoon called 'Nemi' would be appropriate. The artist behind it is Lise Myrhe and Nemi is her alter ego with her goth-like outlook on life and relationships.

Distributor: Egmont Copyright: Lise Myhre

This particular one deals with the effects of alcohol - the young girl Nemi is babysitting asks her for help to write the assignment she has due on the effects of overuse of alcohol. In a manner indicating clearly that Nemi knows how this works from personal experience (not to mention earlier toon-strips), she lists: 'Well, you can blurt out secrets, dance to Beyonce, puke in the neighbour's mailbox, wake up with the drummer from a countrydanceband and an ugly tattoo on your ass to mention some...'

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