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Saturday, December 9

Hatch # 2: Cinderella survived...

the prom that was for the Media department last night! We ate great Xmas-food and drank beer to our heart's content:) We heard funny speeches, saw Helge do awesome magic tricks and laughed at videoclips where our departing principal parodied himself together with our dean and a couple of journalism-students - hilarious! And then we snuck some honey schnaps with one of our teachers, which got busted and confiscated by my fellow working students... We talked about exams, uni, the future, Xmas, presents, holidays, internships and lots more... We even moved my friend in a wheelchair up and down the stairs at our private afterparty! Good fun and the reason I wasn't in bed until nine this morning. Which is why I'm still exhausted. And why my neck is sore... Or is that coz of the dress? I think it might be... Anyhoo, I felt a bit like Cinderella last night, and it was awesome seeing everyone dressed up from head to toe - we clean up nice! All in all a great night worth remembering, especially since it's my last one in Volda...which is a bit sad. Three years of my life have been confined to this tiny town between the fjord and all these horribly tall mountains and it's now beginning to come to an end...

Suffice to say that all the fun has kept me kinda comatose today and most of the time I've spent in bed watching TV and surfing the net...haha - the awesome life of a student on holidays!

My date for the evening - we were paired up randomly by picking a famous name from a basket and had to find the male (or female) counterpart. This is Karl, for the night known as 'Finbeck', the partner in crime for my 'Fia' - Norwegian cartoon figures I belive...
Everyone at my table gulping down our awesome Xmas meal - we got sauerkraut, red kraut(?), sausage, lamb ribs, pork ribs and potatoes - all prepared the traditional Norwegian way. It tasted amazing and was appropriately enough washed down with beer.
Helge in the course of showing off his fabolous magic skills.. Just after this he made a bottle of wine appear from under the white cloth in stead of a white dove! lol...
Harald is finishing up his 'Speech for the Ladies' by passionately singing a song by an old Norwegian fav (Halvdan Sivertsen), called 'No one is as good as you' - it was both a funny and kinda touching finish;)
My flatmate Veronica and another student are playing traditional Norwegian folk music on mouth harps - an old, traditional instrument that can only emulate 'natural' tones - it's really cool and rhtymical to listen to. My flattie is good:)

Soundtrack: Eskimo Joe - 'Black fingernails, red wine'

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