Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Sunday, December 10

Hatch # 3: Temps gone wild...

It's gone from being weird and tipped over to being bizarre - we're nearly halfway through with December and still haven't had any snow since October/November... All that tells us it's winter is the cold nights with wind howling around the corners. Otherwise it's just like autumn - raining constantly with rather frequent storms... It gets a bit depressing.

However, nothing is like staying inside in weather like this and listening to great music. Thomas Dybdahl for instance, is perfect for autumn blues - warm, soothing voice and melancholic mood comforts a soul in need of a change. A couple of weekends ago I was lucky enough to get to see him in concert at 'Rust' and it was a great experience! One of the best concerts I've been to - mainly because of Thomas' laidback attitude and the devoted audience listening intently while wishing it would never end... Check him out, peeps - it's worth it:) Oh, and some of ya'll will benefit from my having been in purchasing-mood on the night of the

The ruler of autumn - which his first three albums called 'the October Triology' implies...:)
Right around here he picked up a violin-bow and used that to play the guitar with - fascinating!
Thomas is singing his heart out, to our greatest contentment:) He's kinda cute too, and from my home town! But he has a
The band, the disco ball and the peeps that sacrificed limbs to stand closer to the stage than I bothered to in the beginning...
Carina - my darling friend - and me as the concert is about to finish. Can you tell how happy we are from enjoying immensely?

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