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Friday, December 22

Hatch # 15: Lullaby for the wrapper

Song of the day: The Cardigans - "Live and Learn" & Sia "Sunday"
The shopping for presents is now completed - all that's left now is to wrap and label them before shipping them to their rightful destination - that being ALL over the place, literally. An otherwise quiet day spent navigating through annoying crowds and finding fascinating solitude among throngs of children at the world's biggest city made from ginger cookies, is drawing to an end.

Since I seem to have misplaced all of my Xmas music somewhere gnomes have gnawed it to bits, soundtracks are the hit of the day. That and watching movies while wrapping stuff - I used to love that section of preparations - now it's just boring. Margareth Olin's new movie 'Lullaby' is out to be viewed for free and I think it's a real treat. It's about a guy known as Hawk and his seeking out of four women during one freezing night in Oslo's 'underworld', and since it has very little dialogue but focuses on pictures and how connections between people are shown in physical movements, it's worth the 33 minutes of not understanding what the characters are saying.

Hawk - the guy in the pic used to go to school just by my uni and I've the pleasure of knowing him as a good customer and company at afterparties:) He also part-took in the writing of the script for the movie.

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