Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Monday, December 25

Hatch # 18: Boxing day, smoxing stay...

It is now the day after Christmas Eve here, referred to in many countries (mainly former British colonies...), as Boxing day. I've never understood why they call it that, so today's post is dedicated to uncovering once and for all what the deal with weird sports related names for pucblic holiday days is:)

The origins for the name are uncertain and the theories are many - all include some sort of literal boxes except for the one that actually refers to the activity of boxing. Earlier it was December 27th that was Boxing Day, but it coincides with Saint Steven's day and thus has been renamed and is celebrated on the 26th of the month.

In Norway we call what is elsewhere known as boxing day (the 26th of December), 'annen juledag', which translates as 'second day of Christmas', but since our Christmas Eve and the celebrations that belong to it is placed on the 24th, and ya'll celebrate it on the 25th, what you call boxing day would be the 25th for us...
Wow, that was complicated. I think I managed to get across that everything moves one day closer to the beginning of the month for us...:D If not, look boxing day up in wikipedia - u'll get all the information u can possibly want and then some;)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

God jul, Kari!
Klem fra meg

12:56 AM

Blogger Female viking said...

God jul, Madeleine! Hvordan går d med deg, du min skjønne og herlige venn?
Ønsker deg alt godt for 2007 - det fortjener du!:D

Stor klem tilbake!

12:13 AM


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