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Wednesday, December 27

Hatch # 19: Meh..partay?..

I'm late again... Sorry! But I don't really care that much, since today has been spent in a sleep lacking-coma with hungover
Yesterday was family dinnertime at my aunt's with granddad, my uncle, and my aunt's family. It's a long standing tradition that can be exhausting when u don't get to bed until early morning, but the food is awesome (turkey with the full works) and the company good. Every year u're supposed to eat until u roll out the door, and when the dinner is over it's time for dessert and
Me and my cousins usually escape the 'old' adults at this time and have our own dessert-party while hanging out and watching a movie or something. The choice fell on season 1 of 'Grey's Anatomy' on this particular eve, before heading home and changing into going out-clothes.
Went out with and old friend of mine from junior high and her sister - was fun and packed everywhere, seeing as it's the first night of Xmas where people go out in public after family 'hybernation'-time..:) Got back after waiting in a taxi line forever - no busses running after midnight since it's still the holidays, and took forever getting to bed...
All in all - the makings of a great 2nd 'juledag':D



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