Thoughts, opinions, musings, rants and all things I find interesting. From my corner, as well as every other, in the world.

Sunday, December 31

Hatch # 25: 2007... approaching! Happy new year to y'all - wish u an awesome new 12 months with everything u want!:D

This marks the ending of my new year's calendar - hope u've enjoyed it:D (And thank god - I'm getting sick of feeling guilty about updating it


Hatch # 24: My mom - the greatest!

She is awesome - she is the best! That she hasn't gone loopy from the 5 of us is nothing short of a miracle...:D

*wishes mom the best bday ever and nothing but pressies that she actually wants*


Hatch # 23: Meh...

Can someone please look for this button and press it when they find it? Should be located somewhere behind by right shoulderblade...
"Your life has been PAUSED. Press PLAY to make it continue"

My darling, fantastic, heavenly mother's bday is today, since it's after midnight. I LOVE YOU, MOM!!!:D


Friday, December 29

Hatch # 22: For today...

...I still don't know what the day will bring, seeing as I still haven't gone to bed:) Poor mum.. She keeps trying to get me to get in bed before 3

Anyhoo, thought I'd devote this day of the holiday season to one of my new hobbies - the wonderful world of Jottonia! My darling bud Tina persuaded me into trying the infamous stock game she's been playing online lately, and being the fad-slut that I tend to be, I agreed to give it a go.

The point of the game is to buy stocks and earn money, preferrably while gaining some power and status thru goods and joining the right conglomerate of other players. It's not hard and it's loaded with fun people + a few insane ones;)

It's a 'Norwegian' game with approximately 300 players from around the world - but the best part? It's FREE! No stupid WoW-crap where u have to pay a monthly fee. Additional features that give u an upper-hand in the game can be purchased in real life, but it's also possible to purchase them inside the game with Jottonia's own currency called 'spenn'.

The best part is the incredible amount of thought put into making Jottonia an actual 'country' - there's a government with a parliament, a court system (lawyers & judges educated from J's very own uni), and a constitution, visiting diplomats from 'neighbours', a casino, auction house, a temple, bars and cafés, a daily updated newspaper - not to mention a mafia

So if u're into speculating but can't afford the real market - come play with us! Let me know if u feel like an introduction and a little help, and I'll hook u up! That's Jottonia for u people...:)


Hatch # 21: Once more... the lifetime of my New Year's Calendar, I'm late... I apologise a little, and blame it on being busy talking to people, instead of typing up stuff. Had a nice day with work, cleaning and dinner with my doll Linn (she was one of the awesome girls I travelled with in Oz last year), and the bottle of wine we shared...:) I proceeded to chat with friends far away and finishing the bubbly I bought for the last day of the year... A tad sad, but celebrations wait for no one - sometimes u just need to enjoy the bubbly before it gets warm;)

Anyhoo, a short listing of the great pressies that awaited me under the tree this year:
- 4 beachtowels (love these big comfy and wrappable)
- a big painting (matches the ones I've already got decorating my apartment)
- a necklace, matching earrings and bracelet
- another (not matching) bracelet
- two travelkits with assorted shower gels/body lotion etc.. (for the girls who can decode this - Cliniderm and Dove)
- a Biotherm set of lotion and moisturiser
- an external hard drive for my laptop (YEAY! the only thing I told my family I wanted...Now the aquiring can start again...)
- a scarf, a shawl, gloves and a hat (really nice, but still unnecessary seeing as the temp yet has to drop below zero during the holidays...)
- money (gots to love unoriginal peeps - they DO give something I really need!)
- 3 pairs of long socks, one of them being beloved 'toe-socks' and a necklace
- a pen with a blinking heart on top that says 'I love u' and lights up when u write with it and a plastic rose
- a bottle of white wine
- a set of 4 chandeliers and vanilla scented candles to put in them

Obviously my peeps think I need to shower more and moisturise more;) It was another great year, but I do wish they'd stop buying me soap/lotion stuff! I still have some leftover from last year! Otherwise - these are really nice ones, so my complaint is halfway withdrawn... Fully even, when I remember how many people are struggling in one way or another!


Thursday, December 28

Hatch # 20: Groan...

...the world is spinning and I want off!! Too tired to do anything.. *kicks own ass into bed*

Wednesday, December 27

Hatch # 19: Meh..partay?..

I'm late again... Sorry! But I don't really care that much, since today has been spent in a sleep lacking-coma with hungover
Yesterday was family dinnertime at my aunt's with granddad, my uncle, and my aunt's family. It's a long standing tradition that can be exhausting when u don't get to bed until early morning, but the food is awesome (turkey with the full works) and the company good. Every year u're supposed to eat until u roll out the door, and when the dinner is over it's time for dessert and
Me and my cousins usually escape the 'old' adults at this time and have our own dessert-party while hanging out and watching a movie or something. The choice fell on season 1 of 'Grey's Anatomy' on this particular eve, before heading home and changing into going out-clothes.
Went out with and old friend of mine from junior high and her sister - was fun and packed everywhere, seeing as it's the first night of Xmas where people go out in public after family 'hybernation'-time..:) Got back after waiting in a taxi line forever - no busses running after midnight since it's still the holidays, and took forever getting to bed...
All in all - the makings of a great 2nd 'juledag':D


Monday, December 25

Hatch # 18: Boxing day, smoxing stay...

It is now the day after Christmas Eve here, referred to in many countries (mainly former British colonies...), as Boxing day. I've never understood why they call it that, so today's post is dedicated to uncovering once and for all what the deal with weird sports related names for pucblic holiday days is:)

The origins for the name are uncertain and the theories are many - all include some sort of literal boxes except for the one that actually refers to the activity of boxing. Earlier it was December 27th that was Boxing Day, but it coincides with Saint Steven's day and thus has been renamed and is celebrated on the 26th of the month.

In Norway we call what is elsewhere known as boxing day (the 26th of December), 'annen juledag', which translates as 'second day of Christmas', but since our Christmas Eve and the celebrations that belong to it is placed on the 24th, and ya'll celebrate it on the 25th, what you call boxing day would be the 25th for us...
Wow, that was complicated. I think I managed to get across that everything moves one day closer to the beginning of the month for us...:D If not, look boxing day up in wikipedia - u'll get all the information u can possibly want and then some;)

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Sunday, December 24

Hatch # 17: The time is here!

As you know, in Norway we celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December - we don't do your weird Boxing Day-thing;) So today consists of - for me - getting up early to watch Disney's Christmas cavalcade, the Norwegian classic 'Reisen til Julestjernen' (translates into 'the Journey to the Christmas Star') and the best part of holiday tv in this neck of the woods - 'Tre Nøtter til Askepott' ('Three Acorns for Cinderella'). It's a German/Chzeck movie from 1973 that portrays Cinderella in a more likeable light than both Disney and the fairy tale itself - she's not waiting for the Prince to come rescue her - in fact they rip into each other on several occasions...;)
Cinderella with her faitful steed
...while cleaning up the ashes from the fireplace...
...and accepting the proposal from the handsome Prince...

Anyhoo, the Prince was the very first man I developed a crush on, and I watched Cinderella and him find each other despite obstacles in the path year after year. I still watch, even if I do know half the lines in Chzeck by
After having watched the necessary mood-setting movies and cartoons, it's time to get ready for church - not so much coz it's church but because I get to meet old friends that I haven't seen in the past year and that's always good:) When everyone has been wished a merry Christmas we head home to the neatly prepared Xmas feast that of course is 'pinnekjøtt' - it always is and damned well always will be! Then we clean up, have dessert and watch the final part of the calendar show for the season before it's time to open the precisely planned presents...
I wonder what my darling brothers have thought of this year?:D And how they will like what I got them...Well, I'll soon find out!

A merry Christmas to all of you - may it bring you loads of hard presents (the best kind..hihi), and good times with the people you care about!

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Saturday, December 23

Hatch # 16: 'Twas the night before Christmas...

....when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! on Cupid! on, Donder and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."

'The Night Before Christmas', by Clement Clark Moore

Possibly the best story for Xmas-times ever - I love it!

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Friday, December 22

Hatch # 15: Lullaby for the wrapper

Song of the day: The Cardigans - "Live and Learn" & Sia "Sunday"
The shopping for presents is now completed - all that's left now is to wrap and label them before shipping them to their rightful destination - that being ALL over the place, literally. An otherwise quiet day spent navigating through annoying crowds and finding fascinating solitude among throngs of children at the world's biggest city made from ginger cookies, is drawing to an end.

Since I seem to have misplaced all of my Xmas music somewhere gnomes have gnawed it to bits, soundtracks are the hit of the day. That and watching movies while wrapping stuff - I used to love that section of preparations - now it's just boring. Margareth Olin's new movie 'Lullaby' is out to be viewed for free and I think it's a real treat. It's about a guy known as Hawk and his seeking out of four women during one freezing night in Oslo's 'underworld', and since it has very little dialogue but focuses on pictures and how connections between people are shown in physical movements, it's worth the 33 minutes of not understanding what the characters are saying.

Hawk - the guy in the pic used to go to school just by my uni and I've the pleasure of knowing him as a good customer and company at afterparties:) He also part-took in the writing of the script for the movie.

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Thursday, December 21

Hatch # 14: Equality and gadgets to all!

After having gotten most of my 'issues' out of my system yesterday, it was really nice to go out with Alexandra and the rest of her girls - haven't talked to some of them since high school, I'm sure... Anyhoo, Alex managed to crush three of her toes a couple of weeks ago and is going crazy over having to stay still so we decided to do a 'quiet' night out at one of the many venues where she works, aptly named 'Venue'. Due to this the drinks were extra cheap and the staff superfriendly:)
That would also be the reason for feeling a tinge hungover and tired

Anyhoo, the afternoon was spent looking for pressies for my brothers and purchasing a much desired gadget - I've finally aquired a webcamera so that it's possible to see all of you darling people in the Southern hemisphere when talking to youse. It's a fabulous little thingymadoodle and it has a few extra features - looking forward to putting it to use so that my money wasn't wasted completely frivolously;)

The tiny wondergadget looks like this:

Me likes!:) I think I might be beginning to understand why guys are so in to gadgets - they're kinda awesome...

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Wednesday, December 20

Hatch # 13: Aaaaargh!!!

I know it's getting closer and closer to Christmas, but the holiday cheer is not setting in! I just find myself getting annoyed at all the things that won't follow the schedule I originally planned - it pisses me off! Hence today's shriek of mental fury - and the list goes:

1) Amazon apparently needs 4-6 weeks to normally ship the stuff I've ordered as presents, which means even with extra friggin' expedited shipping - ya'll are gonna get very belated presents - which I hate!! I'm always on top of presents, if for Christmas or bday's...! And I'm not even done with all the pressies yet:(

2) I merely slept for 3 hours since I was saying bye to my friend and that led me to oversleep! (Not mad at Eirik tho, not his fault...)
3) I've been cleaning the bathrooms and toilets with a friggin' toothpick so it'll be easy just to wipe over them before Christmas Eve - which is a so-so job in the first place and it got prolonged by moronic gibberish about girls and spa's...


Hatch # 12: Frick!

And double frick! I missed one... but had better things to do with my day, such as eating an early dinner and go shopping with my friend Anna for pressies (Tarna & Kat - your's are now ready!), whom I haven't seen in like two years - it was really, really nice:)
And then straight to my wonderful bud Eirik - a guitar virtuosuo and all around good guy - to check out his new penthouse 'crib' before he left for Chile. He's spending Christmas and New Year's there, the lucky bugger... And leaving me behind! So not fair...:( Why do you all abandon me??

Song of the day: 'Zebra' by John Butler Trio

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Monday, December 18

Hatch # 11: Somewhere I belong...

...and for the time being, during Christmas holidays, that is right here - in BERGEN! Yeay! I'm at home and breathing the humid air of a place that's had rain for more than 50 straight days - which makes me worry that I'm gonna drown here in the basement - but I get homecooked meals on a daily basis that aren't microwaveable:D

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Sunday, December 17

Hatch # 10: The most beautiful there is...

I think I might have found the most beautiful Christmas carol there is... And through a TV-show's soundtrack none the less! Glory to the producers of 'Grey's Anatomy' for making this song a part of their impeccable soundtrack...

"It Came Upon A Midnight Clear"

It came upon the midnight clear,
that glorious song of old,
from angels bending near the earth,
to touch their harps of gold:
"Peace on the earth, goodwill to men
from heaven's all gracious King!"
The world in solemn stillness lay
to hear the angels sing

Still through the cloven skies they come,
with peaceful wings unfurled;
and still their heavenly music floats
o'er all the weary world:
above it's sad and lowly plains
they bend on hovering wing,
and ever o'er its Babel sounds
the blessed angels sing

Oh ye beneath life's crushing load,
whose forms are bending low,
who toil along the climbing way
with painful steps and slow;
look now, for glad and golden hours
come swiftly on the wing;
oh rest beside the weary road
and hear the angels sing

Apart from 'Little Drummer Boy', I do believe I've aquired a new favourite - the beauty of the poetry in this song's lyric is amazing and well worth bringing to the table - especially in Norway where we pretty much worship our carols...:) There is two more verses in the song - not used in the versions I've heard - but I'll list them anyway....

Yet with the woes of sin and strife
the world has suffered long;
beneath the angel-strain have rolled
two thousand years of wrong;
and man, at war with man, hears not
the love-song that they bring;
o hush the noise, ye men of strife,
and hear the angels sing (3rd verse)

For lo! the days are hastening on,
by prophets seen of old,
when with the ever-circling years
shall come the time foretold,
when the new heaven and earth shall own
the Prince of Peace, their King,
and the whole world send back the song
which now the angels sing (5th and final verse)

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Saturday, December 16

Hatch # 9: King Winter arrives!

Or does he..? When I woke up today, just before noon (I overslept AGAIN!), it was snowing heavily and my first thought was - AWESOME! Finally:) But then I realised I was up too late to run my numerous errands before work and that I had to walk all the way downtown without proper winter shoes, and my joyous angle on winter's arrival turned a bit sour...

It lifted just a tiny bit when I was on my way down and spotted these piqturesque motives:)

Volda really is a gorgeous place when it isn't withering away from the rain or the dark winterlight is hiding between howling winds - I am glad I've spent most of my time as a student here. It truly can soothe a restless soul who wants to be somewhere completely different...

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Friday, December 15

Hatch # 8: Come what may?

...or maybe not. Preferrably I just want the bloody weekend to draw to a close, as I'm flying home to Bergen on Sunday. At approximately 7 pm I'll be safe and sound in the wonderful arms of home and I can barely wait! Eating properly cooked meals that aren't half burnt or just plain unhealthy and getting to see friends and beloved family members again - will be awesome!

Anyhoo, that ain't until Sunday, so for now I'm stuck finishing my laundry which has taken the better part of the day... Also, I got some job-training today and will start working a little bit over the weekend - which is kinda scary but mainly AWESOME - I really cannot wait until I'm in and doing it like I've known it forever.

Meh, no more news from the Western front - the weather is still close to hurricane in strength and that makes going out less than a little appealing. Not that I have the time to go anywhere... But I've got bruskij's here in the empty apartment, so no problemo;)

And no, it's not quite that many... Didn't have enough room;) But in honour of Bitter - my darling fish - I'll have at least a couple. She had babies! Like ten of them.. Pretty cool, especially since she didn't eat any! At least not to my knowledge...

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I've know changed the comment settings so that it's no longer limited to registered users. This means ya'll are free to comment as much as you could possibly want - so ya'll better use this 'new' version of the known feature... You know what to do:)


Thursday, December 14

Hatch # 7: Making my list...

...and checking it twice, which isn't particularly motivating. For each completed task, two more pops up. I've finished pressies for my flatmates, but there's still loads more to go, or so it feels for my strained budget.

It looks like that might be improved soon, as I'm starting my training for the part-time writing-job I've gotten, which is exciting! It entails writing pieces of texts containing specific key words that will give hits in search engines and means I'll need to register as an independent one woman-buisness. That's the complicated part - meaning accounting and a crapload more tax forms, but it's been done by thousands of people before me and thus shouldn't be brain surgery... At least I'm hoping it won't be! Lol... Apart from extra budgeting means, the job will provide me with some new writing-training and I'm looking forward to it, especially since it's in a field I haven't got that much practice in.

Anyhoo - I've finished one pleasant task - putting together the Christmas outfit I'll be wearing for all the family get-togethers - and these are my perfect new 'dancing shoes'!:)

Other great news - my precious ticket to the Wolfmother-concert in Oslo on the 18th of Febuary arrived in the mail - and this is what pure bliss to the neat price of 60 AUS will look like! Woooman, you're a woman... Singing my heart out and looking forward to it more than I can put into words, even though it would've been even better in native surroundings with my peeps...:)

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Wednesday, December 13

Hatch # 6: I wouldn't know any of the sort...

Seeing as Xmas is the biggest alcohol-containing season, I figured this Norwegian cartoon called 'Nemi' would be appropriate. The artist behind it is Lise Myrhe and Nemi is her alter ego with her goth-like outlook on life and relationships.

Distributor: Egmont Copyright: Lise Myhre

This particular one deals with the effects of alcohol - the young girl Nemi is babysitting asks her for help to write the assignment she has due on the effects of overuse of alcohol. In a manner indicating clearly that Nemi knows how this works from personal experience (not to mention earlier toon-strips), she lists: 'Well, you can blurt out secrets, dance to Beyonce, puke in the neighbour's mailbox, wake up with the drummer from a countrydanceband and an ugly tattoo on your ass to mention some...'

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Tuesday, December 12

Hatch # 5: Moan...

Lazy day - overslept due to not actually falling asleep until 7 am - and consquently haven't gotten all of my plans for the day finished... Which is why this day is one big moan. Tired and feel out of whack from several things.

However, planning to make tomo more productive - hopefully I'll get some company for poor Bitter, finish doing all the laundry that's been neglected during my exams and finish shopping for ya'll down under and mail it asap. So sorry that it'll be late - have been broke as a mouse and thus haven't finished until now. But pressies are always worth waiting for, aren't they?;)

In this sombering mood - where a huge jug of Gimlets would be appropriate (but hard to fix now since the bottle-o is in the next town over and closed about 7 hours ago) - I'm contemplating how long it's been since I talked to anyone in my second motherland, and I'm not liking the numbers I discover! So Tarna - I miss you and we need to talk soon! And that goes for all of you - you know who you are:)

Anyhoo, to brigthen the mood I present you with this... It's quite appropriate for the crappy weather we're experiencing, so enjoy.

Monday, December 11

Hatch # 4: Rest in peace, lovelies...

It's a sad day today... The second of my three fishies died/disappeared! So now the only one left of Lemon, Lime & Bitter. Lime just disappeared - no fishcorpse or anything - and Lemon I had to send back to the ocean just an hour ago.

Not exactly how I planned to use this part of my New Year's Calendar, but what can I do? Rest in peace, darling fishies:) At least I still have Bitter and the fishbaby Birte Johanne - and they'll get holiday company before I leave for Xmas break.

Oh, on a more happy note - happy bday to my darling flatmate Veronica - she's turning 23 today! And she did well on her exam - congrats and kudos to u doll:)

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Sunday, December 10

Extra attention everyone - they're coming!

Oh my God!!!!! I just found out my loverboys are doing a gig in Oslo on the 18th of Febuary, and the tickets are on sale now - which SO means I'm gonna purchase one for yours truly right after I'm done typing in this little tidbit!

I shrieked when I heard - and still can't believe it... It's a tricky date - but I swear I'll be there.


Hatch # 3: Temps gone wild...

It's gone from being weird and tipped over to being bizarre - we're nearly halfway through with December and still haven't had any snow since October/November... All that tells us it's winter is the cold nights with wind howling around the corners. Otherwise it's just like autumn - raining constantly with rather frequent storms... It gets a bit depressing.

However, nothing is like staying inside in weather like this and listening to great music. Thomas Dybdahl for instance, is perfect for autumn blues - warm, soothing voice and melancholic mood comforts a soul in need of a change. A couple of weekends ago I was lucky enough to get to see him in concert at 'Rust' and it was a great experience! One of the best concerts I've been to - mainly because of Thomas' laidback attitude and the devoted audience listening intently while wishing it would never end... Check him out, peeps - it's worth it:) Oh, and some of ya'll will benefit from my having been in purchasing-mood on the night of the

The ruler of autumn - which his first three albums called 'the October Triology' implies...:)
Right around here he picked up a violin-bow and used that to play the guitar with - fascinating!
Thomas is singing his heart out, to our greatest contentment:) He's kinda cute too, and from my home town! But he has a
The band, the disco ball and the peeps that sacrificed limbs to stand closer to the stage than I bothered to in the beginning...
Carina - my darling friend - and me as the concert is about to finish. Can you tell how happy we are from enjoying immensely?

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Saturday, December 9

Hatch # 2: Cinderella survived...

the prom that was for the Media department last night! We ate great Xmas-food and drank beer to our heart's content:) We heard funny speeches, saw Helge do awesome magic tricks and laughed at videoclips where our departing principal parodied himself together with our dean and a couple of journalism-students - hilarious! And then we snuck some honey schnaps with one of our teachers, which got busted and confiscated by my fellow working students... We talked about exams, uni, the future, Xmas, presents, holidays, internships and lots more... We even moved my friend in a wheelchair up and down the stairs at our private afterparty! Good fun and the reason I wasn't in bed until nine this morning. Which is why I'm still exhausted. And why my neck is sore... Or is that coz of the dress? I think it might be... Anyhoo, I felt a bit like Cinderella last night, and it was awesome seeing everyone dressed up from head to toe - we clean up nice! All in all a great night worth remembering, especially since it's my last one in Volda...which is a bit sad. Three years of my life have been confined to this tiny town between the fjord and all these horribly tall mountains and it's now beginning to come to an end...

Suffice to say that all the fun has kept me kinda comatose today and most of the time I've spent in bed watching TV and surfing the net...haha - the awesome life of a student on holidays!

My date for the evening - we were paired up randomly by picking a famous name from a basket and had to find the male (or female) counterpart. This is Karl, for the night known as 'Finbeck', the partner in crime for my 'Fia' - Norwegian cartoon figures I belive...
Everyone at my table gulping down our awesome Xmas meal - we got sauerkraut, red kraut(?), sausage, lamb ribs, pork ribs and potatoes - all prepared the traditional Norwegian way. It tasted amazing and was appropriately enough washed down with beer.
Helge in the course of showing off his fabolous magic skills.. Just after this he made a bottle of wine appear from under the white cloth in stead of a white dove! lol...
Harald is finishing up his 'Speech for the Ladies' by passionately singing a song by an old Norwegian fav (Halvdan Sivertsen), called 'No one is as good as you' - it was both a funny and kinda touching finish;)
My flatmate Veronica and another student are playing traditional Norwegian folk music on mouth harps - an old, traditional instrument that can only emulate 'natural' tones - it's really cool and rhtymical to listen to. My flattie is good:)

Soundtrack: Eskimo Joe - 'Black fingernails, red wine'

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Friday, December 8

Hatch # 1: Conquest completed!

It's finally done - today I finished my final exam for the semester with good results. Am now on Xmas-holiday officially and will be going home for the break in about a week... Life is good:)

Anyhoo, since it seems the trend now is to do Christmas calendars online in blog form, I've decided to put a twist on mine and make it a New Year's Calendar! Lol... Since I've been busy studying, a week has passed already, so I thought I'd keep it going until New Year's Eve instead of writing eight posts today to make up for the slow start...

Today's little tidbit has to do with finishing things - it can be both liberating, exhilarating, sad and great to finish things - which I've been doing a lot of lately. I've finished assignments, letters, projects, my money, two subjects worth 30 credit points over the semester, more than likely my state as unemployed without payment, almost my 21st year of living and a couple of bad habits. I think it's good - some of these things were sad - but all over I'm happy. I think at least...
I miss y'all and can't wait for the new year and new possibilities to see everyone arrives:)

And this little pic - courtesy of Tarna, my doll - is how I feel at the moment - drinks all around o matey! Tonight we drink to celebrate the finishing:)

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Sunday, December 3

Better late...

Everyone - remember! Most important day of all the 'disease and stuff support-days'... Know I'm late, but it's the caring that counts:)